Pokémon Concierge (2023)
Pokémon Concierge is a stop-motion animated series created for Netflix by The Pokémon Company. The series centers on a young woman named Haru who works at the world-famous Pokémon resort, where she caters to various Pokémon guests and their owners/trainers in different lighthearted and comedic scenarios.
Pokémon Concierge
Pokémon Concierge is a Breezy and Cozy End to the 2023 Anime Season
In a year loaded with epic anime, Pokémon Concierge takes a cozy approach to the end of the 2023 anime season for a great, albeit short, experience.
Pokémon Concierge Trailer: New Stop-Motion Netflix Show Announced
The first Pokémon Concierge teaser highlights the Netflix show's stop-motion animation, namely with a look at an adorable Psyduck walking the beach.