Trollhunters is a multimedia franchise consisting of novels, comics, an animated series, and an animated film. The most popular addition to the franchise was Guillermo del Toro's Dreamworks animated series called Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia, which ran from 2016 to 2018 on Netlifx. In 2021, an animated film titled Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans was released that acts as the finale to the franchise.
- Created by
- Guillermo del Toro
- Cast
- Nick Offerman , Grey Griffin , Tom Kenny , Cheryl Hines , Steven Yeun , Colin O'Donoghue , Kay Bess , Amy Landecker , Tatiana Maslany , Lexi Medrano , Laraine Newman , Alfred Molina , Brian Blessed , Fred Tatasciore , Piotr Michael , Kelsey Grammer , Bebe Wood , Diego Luna , Cole Sand , Jonathan Hyde , Nick Frost , Angel Lin , James Hong , Charlie Saxton
Trollhunters Ending Repeats A Season 2 Episode (But Reverses The Lesson)
Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans repeats the events of a season 2 episode, but this time, the lesson is reversed, showing Jim's evolution.
How Trollhunters Copies Captain America & Doctor Strange's Endgame Stories
Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans is Avengers Endgame for the animated Guillermo del Toro Netflix series, particularly in its use of time travel.
Netflix: The Best New TV Shows & Movies This Weekend (July 23)
This weekend, Netflix is bringing the Trollhunters movie, season 2 of a Spanish crime TV series, a horror movie, and a romantic movie.
Guillermo Del Toro Gives Trollhunters A Big Pacific Rim Moment
Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans is the final entry in Guillermo del Toro's Tales of Arcadia and it includes an excellent nod to Pacific Rim.
Trollhunters Has The Perfect Anton Yelchin Tribute In Rise Of The Titans
Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans pays tribute to the original star of Trollhunters, Anton Yelchin, with the perfect callback at the movie's climax.
Trollhunters: Rise of The Titans Ending Explained
Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans is the end for Tales of Arcadia, delivering a dramatic but happy ending, albeit with a unexpected twist.
Trollhunters Future Explained: New Show, Movie, What's Next?
Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans is the next chapter and first movie in Guillermo del Toro's Tales of Arcadia, but is this where the story ends?
Netflix: Every Movie and TV Show Releasing In July 2021
In July 2021, Netflix will add season 4 of a TV series about autism, the final part of the Trollhunters trilogy, season 2 of a German TV show, & more.
Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans Trailer Homages Pacific Rim
A new trailer has been released for Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, giving an in-depth look at Guillermo del Toro's upcoming animated Netflix movie.
Trollhunters: Rise Of The Titans Trailer Teases War Between Mankind & Magic
Netflix released a trailer for Trollhunters: Rise Of The Titans, the culmination of Guillermo del Toro's beloved animated series that began in 2016.
10 Netflix Family Movies Coming In 2021
Netflix has plenty of upcoming family-friendly movies for the whole family to enjoy, both animated and live-action, many featuring A-list actors.
Every New Movie Releasing On Netflix In 2021
Netflix's 2021 line-up features a host of incredible new movies from high-profile talent and a wealth of diverse voices — here's what to expect.
Trollhunters: Defenders of Arcadia Review - Feels Like a Bad Mobile Game
Trollhunters: Defenders of Arcadia suffers from generic gameplay, uninspired storyline, and bugs that crash the game and prevent progression.
Guillermo del Toro's Tales of Arcadia To End With Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans Movie
DreamWorks and Netflix announce the Tales of Arcadia trilogy will conclude with a feature-length film, Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, out in 2021.
Trollhunters Comes To An End, But Del Toro's Tales Of Arcadia Is Only Beginning
The final season of Trollhunters does much to set up future Tales of Arcadia series, but it still delivers an emotionally satisfying final adventure.
Exclusive: Trollhunters Part 2 'Scum of the Earth' Clip
Watch a new clip (titled 'Scum of the Earth') from the second season of Guillermo del Toro's Netflix animated series, Trollhunters Part 2.
Evil is Unleashed in First Trollhunters Part 2 Trailer
The first trailer for Part 2 of Netflix and Guillermo del Toro's animated fantasy TV series, Trollhunters, is now available online.
Trollhunters Season 2 Casts Mark Hamill & Lena Headey
Netflix and Guillermo del Toro’s Trollhunters series casts Mark Hamill (Star Wars) and Lena Headey (Game of Thrones) for season 2.
Guillermo del Toro Confirms Trollhunters Season 2 for Netflix
In a new interview, Guillermo del Toro confirms Trollhunters season 2, teases details, and addresses the effect of Anton Yelchin's death.
Netflix’s Trollhunters Trailer Re-Cut in Stranger Things Style
Check out a brand new 'trailer' for Netflix's Trollhunters from Guillermo del Toro, re-cut in the style of Stranger Things.