Naruto is a franchise spawned from the manga series penned by Masashi Kishimoto that began in 1999. Generating several tv series, games, movies, and more, Naruto follows the exploits of a young outcast ninja harboring the spirit of a demon fox who seeks to become the Hokage, the leader of his ninja village, to break the stigma against him. Upon the conclusion of the initial series, Naruto expanded into Boruto, following many series protagonists' children and returning faces.
Naruto Gets Its Own Dedicated Streaming Channel
Naruto now has its own dedicated channel on PlutoTV, increasing the streaming service's anime offerings. The hit show joins Sailor Moon and Yu-Gi-Oh!
One Piece Is The Secret Reason Behind Naruto's Most Heartbreaking Moments
Naruto's author expressed how One Piece's writing helped shape the series' more emotional moments, showing how each series improved the other.
Naruto's Darkest Version is Technically Canon Thanks to One Shippuden Episode
A lone episode of Naruto Shippuden does its best to make one of the best – but often ignored - Naruto stories told as part of the official canon.
Boruto Two Blue Vortex Is The Perfect Platform To Retcon Naruto
Despite widespread complaints and fan dissatisfaction, Boruto has become an essential piece of the saga that can make Naruto canon better.
Naruto's Evil Version Proves He Was One Tragic Twist Away From Being the Ultimate Villain
When Naruto turns evil and sets his sights on destroying Konoha, the one shinobi to stop him is himself; but is he capable of facing his own power?
Naruto's Live-Action Movie Can't Avoid Ruining The Original Manga's Greatest Strength
A live-action Naruto movie is in the works, but translating Masashi Kishimoto's manga into this medium removes the story's greatest strength.
Naruto Was Supposed to Return With 4 New Episodes... So Where is it?
With so little information about the new 4-episode Naruto anime special, theories & speculation on why it's taking extra time to develop are growing.
Naruto's 4 New Episodes: Everything We Know So Far
In a pleasant surprise to Naruto And Naruto Shippuden fans across the world, new episodes of the classic ninja anime are currently in the works.
Naruto Only Kills One Villain in the Entire Series
Naruto Uzumaki is involved in plenty of fights in the Naruto series, but he actually only kills a single villain during the entire story.
The Live-Action Naruto Movie Can Fix A Major Anime Problem 21 Years Later
The live-action Naruto faces many challenges when it comes to adapting the manga and anime, but there’s one problem it can finally improve.
How A Live-Action Naruto Franchise Can Work – Splitting The Original Anime Into 4 Movies
The live-action Naruto film will struggle to cover everything, but with four movies, it can adapt all the important details of the original anime.
10 Strongest Shonen Anime Villains of All Time, Ranked
While shonen anime villains are often designed to be taken down by the heroes, they possess terrifying strength that make them a formidable threat.
Naruto & Sakura's Only Date Proves Why They Deserved to Be Together
While Sakura finally ended up marrying Sasuke, fans believed she’d be better off with Naruto. But how would they get past their platonic connection?
Naruto's Live-Action Movie Has A Big Villain Dilemma That Could Kill The Live-Action Adaptation
With the live-action Naruto film moving forward, the adaptation will have to solve a difficult Naruto villain dilemma for the movie to work.
10 Best Fights in Naruto Shippuden
Many battles in Naruto Shippuden are filled with poetic drama, while others are just flat-out epic and cool, but only ten can be ranked as the best.
Naruto's Tragic Past Actually Made Him Weaker & His Alternate Versions Prove It
As much of a juggernaut as Naruto is by the story's end, his alternate-universe versions show that he still could have achieved greater power.
Naruto: Every Member Of The Akatsuki, Ranked Weakest To Strongest
There are plenty of Ninjas in the elite Akatsuki organization, but only one can be the strongest.
Naruto's Other Fourth Hokage Fixes The Series' Biggest Sakura Problem
Sakura's position in Naruto has always been contentious, an alternate reality's Fourth Hokage shows how she could have been more relevant.
Move Over Dragon Ball & One Piece - Naruto is Officially the Most Searched Anime Ever
In honor of its 25th anniversary, Google has revealed the most searched anime for the past half decade.
Boruto's Time Skip Misses its Big Chance to Redeem One Classic Series Shinobi
Despite the Boruto time skip offering Hinata Uzumaki the perfect chance to come out from the shadows of her husband and son, she remains sidelined.